Who is We Play Equal?

We Play Equal is a project that aims to educate adolescents on gender equity through digital campaigns and train the trainer workshops by using the social transformative power of sports to fight against prevention of sexual and gender-based violence.

With the national and regional partnerships we have established so far, we have trained 60 trainers with an impact potential of 10,000 young people. By having evaluated its impact potential, our project has been funded by the FRIDA Young Feminist Fund and Purposeful. Thanks to FRIDA and Purposeful networks, we have the opportunity to spread our social impact all over the world with global partnerships.

Our new target with our funds: to provide gender equity training for 1,000 coaches with the potential impact of 100,000 adolescents in Turkey in a year and additionally to grow our influence with education and national awareness campaigns in men dominated sectors!

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We Play Equal

We Play Equal is a project that aims to educate adolescents on gender equity through digital campaigns and train the trainer workshops by using the social transformative power of sports to fight against prevention of sexual and gender-based violence.

[email protected]